It’s Perfectly Alright to Ask for Privacy
Why would I be worried if I am not doing anything wrong? This is a very common question whenever you raise concerns about privacy. My default response is asking if you’ll be comfortable having a camera + mic in your living room let along with bedroom or even toilet. I am NOT paranoid when it comes to surveillance, neither should you be concerned about being a lonely voice demanding & questioning it. Times are gone when only important people had to be cautious [...]
Which India did we leave?
I am a Pakistani born Canadian living in USA. Since my birth I was told about the people across the border who’re holding onto your Juglar Vien ( Shahrug ) i.e Kashmir. Growing up perception started to change especially when I moved to Canada to study & interacted with lot of Indians who became my best buddies. I played for an Indian Cricket team, did business & assignments with them too. This is where the confusion started - If we can live with peace [...]
Science of DAI
3.5 billion Google searches are made every day & 20% of them are the items that’ve never searched before. This leaves us with 700M things that people are asking for the 1st time. This is the opportunity generated EVERY DAY! Same goes in the crypto world where no project is 100% perfect and the imperfections engenders new opportunities. Let’s talk about one problem, which is more than a bottle neck for crypto to go global as a medium of exchange and store of [...]
Need help with your YC application?
I am YC Alumni from S'14 & happy to review your application. Over the last 5 years, I've reviewed more than 100 applications, so have got a bit of sense of how it should be written. This however doesn't make me an expert or authority of any sort. It's just a second set of eyes to review to give feedback. YC is alot about giving back to community, which here are the founders who're building companies that'll shape our future. I've wrote this [...]
Creating Value is the only way to stay relevant
Businesses are built on a very simple principle, which is to provide value to the customer, and get paid for it. As long as the cost of providing the business is lower than what you get paid for, you're bringing in the value for your business. To sustain you need enough people to pay you. Now if this is so simple why do such big corporations fail? Hours of meetings, bailout packages as well as the best brains can’t see the writing on [...]
Facebook: It’s time to launch a Banking and Financial Arm
Blockchain technology got a massive boom in 2017 raising the market cap to 770B before crashing to sub 130B within 18months. Majority of the growth was based on the hype with little or no substance to back it up & when the sale begins there wasn’t any fundamentals to support the price. We heard about big names getting into the game but none of them actually made it to mainstream in terms of products. While dump really hurt the growth, it also [...]
Money without Boundary
Concept of countries, states of boundary is fairly new if you consider how old the human history is. With passage of time, states on the same of sovereignty, control and stability have been taking away rights of people to extent that people started protesting to take it back. While I am a law-abiding citizen & strongly encourage following the consitution, same constitution provides me the right to differ from the polices. While governments are turning out to be one big giant elephant that [...]
Banks of future will be a financial product marketplace
Today when we think of loan or a financial product, the first thing that comes in our mind is bank. You want to have mortgage, go to banks, you want to have credit card, go to bank, you want to make a deposit, you go to bank, you want to wire, you go to bank. Though many may argue that they use online banking but that’s still a bank and unless there is a very strong reason for you to go to a [...]
Decentralized Open Finance
I wrote about Trust & it’s importance in the last blog post here. I’ll try to cover more on Open Financial also known as decentralized financial systems AKA DEFI. You can pickup thee term as per your liking but as much they’re interchangeable they’re also subset of each other depending on the reference that you apply. An open system can be decentralized or centralized depending on your definition of centralization & same with openness where it could have so much high barrier to [...]
Trust & Decentralized Finance – DeFi
There’s a famous saying “It takes ages to build trust & seconds to destroy it” Trust is super important for any aspect of life. Our economy is built on trust. We interact directly or indirectly with external factors throughout our day based on the trust that they’ll perform as we expect. With passage of time, trusts get stronger & stronger which leads to higher confidence in our own ability to perform. During any transaction, trust is super important. Once it’s established the transaction [...]