We have to make trivial decisions on regular basis. Some of those decisions create a deadlock which have impact on other things we do. Everyone advises to go with the instincts and gut feeling but the solutions are so close that it becomes challenging to figure out what do we actually want. As human nature, we like to delay it as much as possible as long as it doesn’t impact the outcome.
When I am in such situation, I use tossing the coin technique. I take out the coin without looking at which side it is tossed with and the moment it’s in the air, I know what I want. I take back the coin without looking at result since I have discovered what decision I am more inclined towards.
Whenever confused between two options, just toss the coin in the air & the moment it’s in the air, you know what do want to do
As soon as the coin gets in the air, it activates the time machine that forces you to figure out your top priorities and based on that, you quickly analyze which option would serve those priorities better. There is absolutely no guarantee that the selection would be right however it will tell you what you want