Millennial – Generation of two decades

Everyday, we come across the term “Millenials” or “Generation Y”. Companies/Startups are overusing this term to define their customer base. From just the sound of  it, image    portrayed in mind of a Millenial is a teenager who is snap chatting on his new iPhone with music played on his flashy expensive branded headphones.

However, it’s not quite right.

Kid Snapchatting

Any person born between 1980 – 2000 counts towards Millennial. As of today, it’s the generation aged between 15-35. That’s a difference of two decades.


I am personally unable to identify anything that is equally appealing to people between 15-35. This  is the most exciting age bracket &  statistics show that people have already experienced 70% of their AHA moments before the age of 35. Once you cross 35, it gets difficult to change your personality, habits or behaviours.This is the reason why it is lucrative to attract this age bracket while one is learning new things and adapting to new habits.Few of the interesting characteristics are

  • Early adopters – They are OK with being the guinea pig
  • Social – They share their lives publically and not much of a private person
  • Adventure – They take more risk and are not in rush to settle down  
  • Informed – They are probably the most informed generation based on the content they consume

These all characteristics make them ideal customers for a new product that might or might not work, however, remember, they range from a high school kid to a mid-level manager, so it’s a broad market size. In US alone, there are expected to be 80 million millennials. If brands are able to capture their minds before 35, chances of upselling them for rest of their life becomes bright.

Millennial generation


I am part of Millennial & you?

2016-03-06T15:46:54+00:00October 27th, 2015|

How to make quick pivotal decisions


We have to make trivial decisions on regular basis. Some of those decisions create a deadlock which have impact on other things we do. Everyone advises to go with the instincts and gut feeling but the solutions are so close that it becomes challenging to figure out what do we actually want. As human nature, we like to delay it as much as possible as long as it doesn’t impact the outcome.

When I am in such situation, I use tossing the coin technique. I take out the coin without looking at which side it is tossed with and the moment it’s in the air, I know what I want. I take back the coin without looking at result since I have discovered what decision I am more inclined towards. 

Coin flip decision

Whenever confused between two options, just toss the coin in the air & the moment it’s in the air, you know what do want to do

As soon as the coin gets in the air, it activates the time machine that forces you to figure out your top priorities and based on that, you quickly analyze which option would serve those priorities better. There is absolutely no guarantee that the selection would be right however it will tell you what you want

2016-03-06T15:47:17+00:00October 19th, 2015|

What advice would I give to myself 10 years ago ?

Life is the name of continual motion. My counter is constantly running and I have no control over it. In fact, none of the billions of people walking this earth right now, have any control over this counter. It keeps running and running until one day when it will abruptly stop. That day, life as I know it, will cease to exist.

I enjoy the great outdoors and feel blessed to be living in Ottawa, one of the most beautiful cities I have ever come across. It has natural sanctuaries to help re-build our lost connection with nature. I often longingly gaze at the river and think about how so many people before me have come and gone, yet the river remains. It is majestic and grand and runs free through the city, as it has for many generations.

Like the river, I often wish to run free, free of any socially constructed financially motivated boundaries to really change the world. Millions amongst us wish to leave a deep, meaningful impact on the world, I too wish to give back what the universe has awarded me with.

Next year will mark the end of the third decade of my life. Three decades have passed in a flash. Imagine if I knew as a teen, what I know now. How would the course of my life be different? How would I have a greater impact on this world, on my world?

Live in the moment

Looking back I feel like one of my biggest mistake has been my inability to be completely in the moment. I have either tried to live in the past or with dreams of a brighter, bigger future, whilst ignoring my current, my present, my now. I have missed many moments in life trying to come to terms with the fact that I can’t be everywhere at the same time, I need to be where I am completely in order to live in the moment.

It’s like trying to make a video of the fireworks in front of you. Why not put the phone away for a few minutes, and live in the moment, let the eyes see the world without the filter of your phone in front. Remember, the fireworks won’t last long, but the memories will last decades. No matter how great your camera is, it is not better than your eyes and cannot remember moments with their feelings, like the mind can. So Next time you are watching the fireworks, live in the moment and create memories.


Life is a counter. At this very moment, you are the youngest you will ever be, so live this unique moment and create memories, not videos.


P.S. Nobody likes to watch a video of last year’s fireworks that you made on your phone =)

What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?

2016-03-06T15:48:28+00:00October 15th, 2015|