Swimming Naked Moment for Crypto
The year is 2022 & the month is September, and we're probably in a recession. Probably because we're still hopeful, foreclosures haven't kicked in, unemployment is still [...]
Need help with your YC application?
I am YC Alumni from S'14 & happy to review your application. Over the last 5 years, I've reviewed more than 100 applications, so have got a [...]
Is it a Swimming Naked moment for crypto ?
However, stocks are down by up-to 90% & crypto projects are down by even 99.99% in a few cases. While stocks have a clear path to recovery [...]
It’s Perfectly Alright to Ask for Privacy
Why would I be worried if I am not doing anything wrong? This is a very common question whenever you raise concerns about privacy. My default response [...]
Which India did we leave?
I am a Pakistani born Canadian living in USA. Since my birth I was told about the people across the border who’re holding onto your Juglar Vien [...]
Science of DAI
3.5 billion Google searches are made every day & 20% of them are the items that’ve never searched before. This leaves us with 700M things that people [...]